We treat people not diseases

For over 40 years, The Psychiatric Center has provided the community of Macon and Middle Georgia access to premier Mental Health services.

We treat people not diseases

For over 40 years, The Psychiatric Center has provided the community of Macon and Middle Georgia access to premier Mental Health services.

Evidence Based

Patient Centered Care

At The Psychiatric Center, we focus on what matters: Patient Centered Care.

Evidence based medicine is more than labs results, medication management, or manualized therapy. Clinical studies show the most important element to affect meaningful change with patients is putting them first.

This is our commitment to you:

  • Care is collaborative, coordinated, and accessible.

  • Care focuses on physical comfort as well as emotional well-being.
  • Your preferences, values, cultural traditions, and socioeconomic conditions are respected.

  • You and your family are part of the care team and play a role in decisions about your care.

  • Information is shared fully and in a timely manner so you can make informed decisions.


& Mental Health Services

The Psychiatric Center offers medical and therapeutic options for mental health concerns. Our Psychiatric services focus on the links between mental and physical problems, while our therapists provide patient-centered therapy which is tailored to each individuals unique needs.

Mental Health Services

At The Psychiatric Center, we provide industry leading care that focuses on improving the quality of life for our patients and their families.





Anger Issues

Eating Disorders

Autism Spectrum and ADHD


Bipolar Disorder


Memory Issues

And Much More

Contact Us

We are eager to help you with whatever is challenging you. Reach out to us now for an evaluation today.

Dr. Sarah Graff

Sarah Graff, MD
Sarah Graff, MDPsychiatrist
Hello! I am a Psychiatrist in Macon, Georgia.

I recently completed my residency at Piedmont Healthcare in Macon where I served as Program Chief, Chief of Education, Program Evaluation Committee Chief, and Journal Club Chief. I received my Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree upon graduation from St. George’s University in 2018. My focus is on adult psychiatric issues and my research has been nationally published. I am often interviewed by local media outlets (WGXA-TV, WMAZ-TV, Macon Telegraph) to provide expert commentary on behavioral/psychiatric issues. My husband and I have been happily married for 11 years with two young children, and we’re looking forward to putting down roots in Middle Georgia by establishing my business here.